"NIKE, Inc. is the world's leading innovator in athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories." The NIKE brand is devoted to inspiring athletes and non-athletes, alike by emphasizing the will and strength and heart that pushes all humans to excel far beyond our own limits.
In addition to the iconic "swoosh," NIKE has been extremely successful with brand recognition and consumer preference through a combination of carefully and strategically implemented design elements. Through the use of elite-status athletes, the brand has chosen interestingly to not focus so much on the product, but instead to emphasize the hero or heroin that is using the product to enhance their activity.

So how does the lighting of ads and design play into this aspect? Well in order to create the intense, dramatic effect that NIKE aims for, contrast must be created. Our eyes are instinctually drawn to the harsh lines and angles created where the darkest darks meet the lightest lights. The shadows seem to slow the movement, as if the subject is frozen for that a split second allowing you to pause and empathize with the truth displayed in facial or bodily expression. The dark caused by a lack of lighting in these ads excite the audience because the shadows remind us of danger, of struggle, of depth, and all the unknown obstacles to come. But then there's the light. In a way, the lighting used in NIKE's dramatically-designed ads is metaphorically a call to action. The beads of sweat, the shine hovering the ripples and curves of muscle, the glisten of a focused eye - these all highlight the intense pride that comes from accomplished and hard-earned goals. The lighting captures all the struggles and successes of an athlete in a way that inspires consumers to grow their own mental toughness, and to use NIKE products and resources along the journey.
While not all of NIKE's ads are dark and emotional, the brand uses a lot of grey-scale or muted-hue lighting to create these effects. The shine in these pieces gives the athletes what appears to be a glow. This kind of effect gives a heroic, superior, and even immortal vibe to the brand.
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