Sunday, January 20, 2013

Innocent by Play-Doh

From the dark, intense greyscale brought to us by the NIKE ads, Play-Doh shows a completely different side of the light and color spectrum.

In the ironic pieces that follow, Play-Doh, a company that sells molding clay and other crafting projects,  sheds an innocent light on their product. They do this by having a whited-out background, giving a clean feel, and bright, somewhat primary, colors of the play-doh and type that gives the ad a youthful aura. This helps Play-Doh to startle people with the imagery of potentially dangerous objects crafted out of their product, displaying that one's children will be safe playing with their product no matter what.

The vibrant colors contrast with the plain white background to really grab the viewers attention. It keeps things simple, yet interesting.

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